Record Found: 57
 | Gourab Das | 1990 | 14 | [2004] Dolna Day School | [2006] Frank Anthony Public School | It was a scorching summer afternoon, not different from what perhaps the previous 2-3 weeks had been. Arundhutidi was taking our history class. Suddenly we saw a black cloud. It was soon joined by many others. Perhaps, Gargidi came to our class |
 | Pritha Saha | 2004 | 12 | [2014] Dolna Day School | [2016] Dolna Day School | Dolna is a collection of nooks and corners that all of us remember in different ways. The ground floor hall used to have the piano that once a week had Uncle Anto play a song about a galloping horse. While in class, we eagerly waited for Madhuda |
 | Debaleena Talukdar | 2001 | 15 | [2015] Dolna Day School | [2017] Dolna Day School | |
 | Proiti Seal Acharya | 2006 | 6 | [2012] Dolna Day School | [0] Apeejay School | No words can suffice! |
 | Sohini Dasgupta | 2001 | 15 | [2014] Dolna Day School | [2016] Dolna Day School | Home away from phase of life |
 | Sohini Mukherjee | 2001 | 15 | [2015] Dolna Day School | [2017] South Point High School | The flashback is all too clear and vivid. Hurrying to school in the pink shirt, dropping the bag in class and tuning into the fine calmness of morning assembly. Christmas fete and the ever fun preparations for it. The corridors, teachers, friend |
 | Shreya Mitra | 2002 | 15 | [2015] Dolna Day School | [2017] Dolna Day School | Preparing for so many programmes, fete, teachers' day, Rabindrajayanti. Just randomly walking into the Teachers' room and sitting down to have a heart to heart with the teachers. Choir practices with Nilanjanadi and Jyotishkoda. Creche hours wit |
 | Aratrick Bhadra | 2002 | 14 | [2015] Dolna Day School | [0] Delhi Public School (Ruby Park) | These days were the foundations of my life. Dolna crafted me the way I am - my personality, my love for art, music and creative aspects if life . It has taught me various philosophies - from Tagore to Lenon, from Bhatiali to Dylan. |
 | Indranil Banerjee | 1983 | 13 | [1996] Dolna Day School | [0] Dolna Day School | Lots of memories, everything that I have learnt in my life are from dolna only, miss my childhood days in dolna, miss manjudi's lunch, miss jyotishkida's piano, miss prayer time during morning's assembly, songs sply folk songs sung by us |
 | Sayantan Ray | 1994 | 17 | [2009] Dolna Day School | [2011] Dolna Day School | The best years of life! |
 | Pubali Purkait | 1998 | 18 | [2013] Dolna Day School | [2015] Dolna Day School | Made me every bit of who I am |
 | Debadyuti Guha Thakurata | 2001 | 13 | [2014] Dolna Day School | [2016] PISV | |
 | Sajujjo Ghosh | 1999 | 10 | [2013] St. Xavier's Collegiate School | [2015] St. Xavier's Collegiate School | |
 | Sneha Das Gupta | 1988 | 16 | [2004] Dolna Day School | [0] | I grew up there from my 3 months to 16 years. It was more than my home. It is a huge part of my life and always be in my heart. |
 | Mehr Bhattacharya | 2000 | 18 | [2016] Dolna Day School | [2018] Dolna Day School | I have spent 18 years at Dolna. What I feel for my school, or the amount of memories i have cannot be expressed in a few lines. Dolna is my home, and my heart. |
 | Arijit Basu | 1997 | 14 | [2009] Dolna Day School | [2011] Dolna Day School | Best years of my life was spent in Dolna Day School. I miss the culture, friends and the teachers. I cherish the memories of each day I spend in Dolna Day School. |
 | Baisampayan Sarkar | 1992 | 16 | [2006] Dolna Day School | [2008] Dolna Day School | I've always been bad at writing memoirs and essays. Nevertheless, when it comes to Dolna I'd like to say that life today wouldn?t have been the same had it not been for Dolna. And 245 characters are far too less to describe "where it all began". |
 | Soumma Roy Chowdhury | 1992 | 16 | [2006] Dolna Day School | [2008] Dolna Day School | Dolna was and still is My home. The only place in the universe where I can sit quietly for hours and still feel that was the best time I had! Can't put into words the memories I made here! |
 | Soumi Mitra | 1993 | 13 | [2006] Dolna Day School | [2008] Hirendra Leela Patranavis(Better High) | A home away from home...There are so many memories that it can't be penned down....a place I miss a lot. |
 | Mohana Deb | 2000 | 16 | [2014] Dolna Day School | [2016] Dolna Day School | |
 | Raunak Rakshit | 2001 | 15 | [2014] Dolna Day School | [2016] Dolna Day School | I have spent the best phase of my life at school.I miss the morning assembly,my friends,all my teachers and everything. |
 | Somdatta Gupta | 2006 | 11 | [2017] Dolna Day School | [2017] Oxford House School | Commerce classes with Suman Da were amazing. I miss the lunch break as at that time I used to play carrom with my friends. Dolna gave me a number of good friends and beloved and respected teachers .. I love you Dolna always and forever ??. |
 | Debaditya Sarkar | 2001 | 16 | [2014] Dolna Day School | [2016] Dolna Day School | 'Dolna' , whenever I hear this word automatically time gets rewinded to those morning assembly sessions, those Christmas carols and of course that HOME away from HOME vibe. |
 | Subhechcha Sadhu | 2001 | 15 | [2014] Dolna Day School | [2016] Dolna Day School | |
 | Rohit Iyer | 2000 | 15 | [2014] Dolna Day School | [2016] Delhi Public School | Fond memories where I spent my entire childhood. |